UCAs and Mentoring Program Committee Members should login via the “Unit Career Advisor and Site Admin Login Page” link located under the “User” drop-down on the 108thmentoringprogram.com/ webpage.

  • [__] Upon logging in, navigate to the “Administrative Actions” link located under the “UCAs” dropdown on the top bar.
  • [__] Click “Dashboard” located on the sidebar of the Admin page.
  • [__] Find the “Contact Form Entries” section of the Dashboard. Notice the second column labeled “Unread”. Click on the link of the Questionnaire/Form that you wish to view.
  • [__] Find the submission you wish you view, hover over the first column, and select “View”.
  • [__] You may view the submission in it’s entirety here and you may also submit any “Notes” you wish for this submission.
Categories: Checklist